
As the only gargoyle of the group with wings, Battibat gets a different perspective on every situation. His time as a decorative feature in The Goth Queen's castle presented him as an epic beast, but once awakened, his true protective nature leads him to make sure that no one falls on his watch.

base of operations:
Shelley Castle

height: 7' | weight: 850 lbs
eyes: stone grey | hair: none

status: a little cracked
big protector
likes: soft cuddles
being taken advantage of

abilities: Battibat is a stone gargoyle with a body of almost impenetrable force. It takes super-strength to control such a body and with wings to fly, he can reach heights that allow him to crash his weight down extra heavily upon the earth. He can also create violent winds due to his massive wingspan.

first appearance:
The Goth Queen Needs a Mate

created by: William O. Tyler

featuring Battibat: