
Doug first met Mitch at a local punk show, and soon they were joined at the hip. Doug witnessed the accident that turned his friend non-corporeal, and kept his finger as a keepsake (and sex toy). This drew the attention of Feral the werewolf, and his life has never been the same.

cam boy, go go dancer, escort
base of operations:
Fogtown (San Julio)

height: 5'6" | weight: 155
eyes: brown | hair: brown

status: who needs labels
power bottom
likes: anti-capitalism, dick, stank
bigots, sparkling vampires

abilities: As a performer, Doug can bring horny men to a frenzy. He possesses superior ass skills. He can choose the best j-horror to watch while cuddling post-nut. When in a bind, he can use “the Finger” to summon Feral and/or the Ghost Skater.

weaknesses: vertically challenged, sub-par cook

first appearance:
Hard to Swallow Comics #2

created by: Dave Davenport

featuring Doug: