Young Bottoms in Love
Young Bottoms in Love
This item is unavailable in our store, but remains a part of The Archive.
Serious to silly. Soap to sci-fi. Young Bottoms in Love compiles a sampling of the acclaimed web comic anthology from more than 40 creators, from award-winning comics professionals as well as top amateur talent.
- story + art by Theo Bain, Craig Bostick, Paige Braddock, Howard Cruse, Kyle Cummings, Decker, Adam DeKraker, Lynx Delirium, Abby Denson, Michael DiMotta, Tim Fish, Monica Gallagher, Jim Gladstone, Phil Good, Ariel Guzman, Justin Hall, Brett Hopkins, IS Productions, David Kelly, Randall Kirby, Robert Kirby, Jeff Krell, Jay Laird, Jack Lawrence, Adam Leveille, Greg Lockard, Fabián Alvarez López, Ted Manning, Jen Van Meter, Noel Miciano, Rachel Millar, Frank Muse, Dave Ortega, François Peneaud, Tim Piotrowski, Dave Roman, Shane Rooks, Bill Roundy, Richard Ruane, Stephen Sadowski, Melody Shickley, Andy Swist, Steven Walters, + Roger Zanni
- edited by Tim Fish
- introduction by Ed Matthews
- 368 pages / full color / comic anthology
published by Poison Press, 2007